Launching a trendy fashion brand campaign with a powerful media plan to modernise its image and attract new customers is all very well. It is, however, vital that the sales teams, i.e. the people on the ground in direct contact with these new consumers, are ready to offer a coherent customer experience, from the press release to the store!
We were lucky enough to help the Retail/Marketing Division of Eric Bompard organise a seminar to mobilise and bring on board store managers to deploy the new communication tool created by BETC, 'Soft is the New Strong'. The aim was to ensure that each sales team had the confidence to secure new customers and consolidate the loyalty of existing customers.
It is vital that the sales teams, i.e. the people on the ground in direct contact with these new consumers, are ready to offer a coherent customer experience, from the press release to the store!
We designed two workshops in which 50 store managers worked in groups of eight, then presented their work to the other participants.
Workshop 1: Bring the Bompard brand platform to life in all its forms, through a creative collage workshop to illustrate the brand's role, values, emotions, foundations and behavioural and relationship savoir-faire, as well as those of its teams.
Workshop 2: Put yourself in the place of standard profiles of new customers and identify areas to improve/adapt their experience in line with the brand's identity and its new campaign. Present your work in the form of role plays!
A successful motivational exercise, both in terms of the quality of involvement by the participants and the resulting renewed team spirit.
Head to any Eric Bompard store: the sales teams are ready for you and the new collection is fantastic. Our favourites are the supersoft pullovers with swan or fox prints and military style details, and the leather pieces like the pencil skirt with its perfect cut and gorgeous fabric!