Once upon a time, four sisters had the excellent idea of growing saffron on the rooftops of Paris, and yes, amazingly for these novices, our capital city has turned out to be an ideal spot. We’ll have to wait until the end of October to discover the blossom of the delicate Crocus Sativus flower on the roof of the Institut du Monde Arabe, but in the meantime we’ve been working with these four inspired young women on what identity to give to this wonderful project of urban agriculture to help it take root: market analysis, positioning, brand universe, communication plan and network activation.
If you happen to come across any urban areas of more than 300m2 with a load-bearing capacity of 200kg/m2 whose owners would be interested in a partnership with Bien Elevées, then please get in touch with them via Instagram or Facebook.
Furthermore, for fans of urban agriculture, there will be two opportunities to meet this great team before the end of October:
1/During our kids & family VIP event “Bien Grandir Ensemble” (grow well together) on Saturday 20 October. An event created for our fabulous children’s brand clients, Stokke, Steiff and Faber Castell, in a lovely, new boutique hotel in the 8th arrondissement of Paris. We will be taking the opportunity to display a selection of brands and projects that we love, including Bien Elevées. If you have children between the ages of 0 and 6 and you’d like to come and discover a programme of creative and dynamic activities for parents and children then please get in touch: m.griso@lookfurther.fr.
2/ By climbing up high to enjoy the unique experience of saffron harvesting on a 700m2 rooftop in the heart of the 13th arrondissement in Paris. Just a few weeks ago the plants were already looking amazing! More than 550 tubs, 30,000 bulbs, 100 tonnes of earth and all this on the roof of Monoprix!
On the agenda: elegant refreshments, discussions about saffron and how it is suited to urban agriculture, and the most magical moment of all, the night-time harvesting and pruning of the blossoming flowers, a pure delight of colours and perfume.
To join in (registration required), please visit: https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/billets-recoltez-du-safran-sur-un-toit-50662130797
Illustrations credit: ©Philippine de Franclieu